Upcoming Events
Lunch with MGSO
Thursday, September 8​th​
11:30am -1pm
at Thompson Boling Arena Food Court
1​st ​Tuesday Lunch (Changed this month due to Labor Day)
2​nd​ Saturdays - Local Lunch with MGSO
Saturday, September 10​th
Viet Taste Vietnamese Restaurant
213 N Peters Rd, Knoxville, TN 37923
3​rd​ Tuesdays - Professional Development Series
Topic: Non-academic Career Paths for PhD Students, how to look for jobs and what to expect
Tuesday, September 20​th​
International House
(located across the parking lot from the Hodges Library Starbuck’s 2​nd​floor entrance)
Free Lunch from Zaxby’s – sponsored by the Student Programming Allocation Committee
4​th​ Wednesdays - MGSO “Brown Bag” Paper Presentation Sessions
Wednesday, September 28th
Hodges Library – Room TBD
Sign up to practice your upcoming class or conference presentations or to workshop an early
Get experience and feedback from your peers. New students get to observe what will be
expected of them as they progress in their programs.
Email ​mgso@utk.edu​ if you are interested in reserving a presentation slot.